The Super Service Event

I spent the weekend of January 27-29 building websites for non-profits with some of Atlanta’s best agencies, developers, designers, and content writers Some people may think that I am just in front of my computer all day every day sipping coffee and serenely working on project after project. That is not what a day in…

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Girl on Laptop with Fast Page Loading Speeds

How to Speed up Your WordPress Page Loading Speeds

Google’s Pagespeed Insights is The Latest Rage in SEO I built my first website in 2000. Google was only a year old, earned $220,000 in revenue, and nowhere near the behemoth it is today. The pre-cable Internet was dial-up and measured in kbps, not Mbps. You could start loading a website into your browser, go…

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Six Ways to Beef Up Your WordPress Security

Concerned about the WordPress security in your site? You should be. Is it true about Russian hacking computers and websites? Probably. It’s even easier than you may think. It’s not a room of Russian geeks smoking cigars, drinking vodka, and targeting your sites specifically (unless your last name is Trump, or Clinton, or your site…

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