Keyword Research Tools to Help Grow Your Website Traffic


If you own a website, the phrase “keyword research” has come up more than once. Over the years, search engine optimization has changed as different search engines dominated the industry. But one thing that has remained constant is that keyword research is one of the first steps to getting traffic to your website. Most of the time, website owners have an idea of who is going to be visiting their website and why. Having an idea of what keywords they will choose to find your site is where keyword research begins. Let’s take a look at keyword research and how you can improve your site traffic.

Understanding Keyword Research

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the art and science of identifying the words and phrases that a potential site visitor would choose to find your website. These keywords are the gateway to improving your digital presence. When a potential website visitor goes to a search engine such as Google, Bing or Yahoo, they are typically looking for something. They use words, phrases or questions to seek what they are looking for. Determining which keywords a website visitor will use is what keyword research is.

Why Are Keywords Important?

Keywords are how visitors find your website. It isn’t about just having the right keywords in a PPC platform such as Google Ads or Bing Ads and magically your website shows up. Your keywords should be laced through your website content too. Without effectively adding the keywords to your content, the search engines can’t rank your site according to what your visitors could be searching for. It would be like opening a restaurant and not telling anyone where it is or what kind of food you offered. That restaurant wouldn’t be in business for long.

Top Keyword Research Tools in 2024

If you are a content creator building blog or a local business looking to improve your foot traffic, these keyword tools can help your website rank higher in search engines and improve your paid ad campaigns.

Tool #1: Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner can help you discover new keyword phrases that could help your site rank higher. Not only could it show you relevant long-tail keywords, it can also show you what the estimated costs for these keywords are in ad campaigns. This will help you design and budget your paid ad campaigns more effectively. All from the people that invented search engine marketing.

Tool #2: SEMRush

SEMRush is one of my favorite keyword research tools. Research your competitors, research your keyword and backlinks, conduct on-page SEO analysis and more. This is the SEO tool used by more SEO professionals. Premium tools include Local SEO tools, Map Rank Tracker, social media posting and tracking and more. SEMRush has implemented artificial intelligence to help with SEO and content creation. It may seem pricey but it will pay for itself in no time.

Tool #3: Ahrefs

Ahrefs is another industry standard tool for SEO professionals. Its resources start with the Beginner’s Guide to SEO where you can learn the basics of SEO and graduate to the SEO Academy if you choose to get better at digital marketing with free video courses. Sign up for a free Ahrefs webmaster tools account and get your site ranking.

Tool #4: WordStream Keyword Tool

The WordStream Keyword Tool is another great tool that you can use to find additional keywords for your website or business. When you’re ready to move into Google Ads, WordStream can help you save money on your Google Ads campaigns by finding more targeted keywords and grade your campaigns with their free Google Ads Grader.

Tool #5: Ubersuggest

Neil Patel is one of the key personalities in the search engine marketing industry. His Ubersuggest tool is also one of my favorite tools for keyword research and SEO. You can help you get a keyword overview, content ideas, competitor’s strategies, and help you refine your content for higher visibility.

Advanced Strategies for Effective Keyword Research

Long-Tail Keywords and Their Significance

Long-tail keywords have lower search volumes but they can bring more targeted traffic to your website. Learning how to identify and capitalize on long tail keywords can help attract an audience genuinely interested in your content or products.

Competitive Analysis: Check Your Competitors

Understanding what your competitors are doing can offer golden opportunities to refine and write new content. You can use these tools to see what your competitors are doing for their SEO and how they are ranking.

Mastering the Art of Keyword Implementation

Incorporating Keywords in Your Content

Effective keyword implementation involves adding keywords strategically through your content. These keywords should be natural sounding and not be repeating too often. This practice called “keyword spamming” will actually reduce your SEO effectiveness as search engines will penalize your site.

On-Page SEO Best Practices

Optimizing your pages for easy crawlability is an ongoing process that begins wit the initial construction of your site. It then becomes a discipline to ensure your site ranks as high as possible.

Tracking and Monitoring Keywords

Keyword research is an ongoing process since search engines and people’s search methods change over time. What worked years ago may no longer be an effective SEO strategy. Google Search Console and Google Analytics are key tools for tracking and measuring your website’s ranking effectiveness.

Adjusting Your Strategy Based on Results

The beauty and the challenge of digital marketing is its flexibility and dynamics. Use data-driven insights to adapt your keyword strategy continually. Explore new keyword structures and new tools to help your site rank higher.


Keyword research is the foundation of your digital success. The better you understand your intended audience, the more effectively your digital marketing will be. Research both the keywords you currently rank for and those you would like to rank for, as they may differ. You may also spot opportunities for new or additional products based on your keyword research.

The longer you are in digital marketing, the better you will understand how effective your keyword research and content strategies affect your online success.

Let’s Get Started Today!

Confused or not sure what to do next? Schedule a meeting with me to discuss your online strategies and help decide what is best for your business.

Michael Neely

My name is Michael Neely. I started in graphic design and SEO in 2001 and coded my first site in 2011. Since then my career has been a constant learning experience launching my freelance business n 2014. I have worked in WordPress, Shopify, Laravel, HubSpot CMS and more. I have also kept up with SEO through the years and adapted to the mainstream use of Artificial Intelligence as the "next thing" in tech. Keep in touch and visit often to stay tuned in on what is happening in the world of technology.