How to Hire a Top-Rated Web Developer for Your WordPress Website

Hiring an amazing freelance web developer on Upwork is easy

Tired of just staring at that project you wish you could complete? Hiring the freelancer you need on Upwork can help you complete your projects and get on to the next one.

There has never been a better time to find qualified help for your business, if you know where to look. In the old days, you put an ad in the paper and waited for candidates to bring in their resumes. The business owner (or whoever was doing the hiring) would sift through resumes and pick the best candidates. Then, you called those candidates and set up interviews. It was a long and time consuming process.

That was then, this is now.

The Internet has changed everything about how we work. Finding great help for your website is no exception. It has never been easier to hire freelancers than it is today. Freelancers are not bound to work for anyone by contract (unless they want to be bound by contract). In medieval days, the word “freelancer” referred to a knight who was “free” to “lance” for any king or prince, more like a mercenary. Today, the word “freelancer” refers to any of the millions of independent professionals working remotely, like me.

To build your business, you have put in long hours to generate your cash flow and build your clientele. Occasionally, you need marketing help. Maybe you need to build a new website, or add a new feature to your website. Upwork can help you find a great web developer to work with.

Hiring at Upwork helps complete your projects

You can hire people to work on your website the hard way, or the easy way. The old way is slow, tedious and time-consuming. It also limits the talent pool to those people who can drop everything, come to your place of business and work on your project.

Hiring a freelancer to work on your project could take just a couple of hours to completely finish your project, depending on what it is. You could post a project, find a freelancer, complete the project, and pay the freelancer, all before the football game is over!

There are millions of freelancers out there who can help you complete your project quickly and efficiently. I know, because I am one of those independent professionals.

Upwork takes the guesswork out of hiring awesome professionals for your project

Upwork screens independent professionals (like myself) regularly to make sure you hire the best freelancer for your project.

I am a top-Rated Web Developer on Upwork. To qualify as a top-rated professional on Upwork, I have to maintain over a 90% job success score for at least of 13 out of 16 weeks. This score is calculated over a year’s time. My Upwork clients and prospects can be assured that I have been focusing on successful project completion for well over four months (in my case many years).

Here are just a few reasons why you should hire your next freelancer at Upwork:

  1. Upwork screens freelancers’ identities so you know who you are working with
  2. US and UK Only options available
  3. You can choose from thoroughly vetted, top-rated freelancers
  4. Upwork has a convenient job posting platform
  5. Get proposals from qualified professionals project in minutes
  6. Agree on price for your project before you hire, not haggle after
  7. Upwork has enterprise options for larger clients or clients with a lot of projects

Still confused? Upwork even has a helpful guide to help you find the best talent for your project.

Ready to get started on your website project?

If you are ready to find a top-rated freelance web developer on Upwork, I have great news! You already have.

Here is a very short list of my freelance talents:

  1. WordPress Developer
  2. Web Developer
  3. PHP Developer

To find out if I am the right developer for your project, click on the button below, contact me and let’s get started.

I look forward to working with you!

Hire me on Upwork

Michael Neely

My name is Michael Neely. I started in graphic design and SEO in 2001 and coded my first site in 2011. Since then my career has been a constant learning experience launching my freelance business n 2014. I have worked in WordPress, Shopify, Laravel, HubSpot CMS and more. I have also kept up with SEO through the years and adapted to the mainstream use of Artificial Intelligence as the "next thing" in tech. Keep in touch and visit often to stay tuned in on what is happening in the world of technology.