Open for Business and Working Remotely Since 2011

Need Graphic Design, Web Design, or Web Development Work Done? I am Open for Business!

Due to recent world events, local governments have forced business owners to close their businesses across the United States to help fight the COVID-19 threat. What does this mean for business owners? That means that you are sitting around and watching a lot of cat videos. During this unprecedented time, you may not have access to the support services you need. I am happy to announce that I am still open for business remotely.

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

Without a doubt, economic downturns hurt. Some economic downturns are worse than others. What are your plans through this unexpected shutdown? Are you going to stop all activity and hope for the best? If you own your business, stopping all marketing is the worst thing you can do. Your business will quickly go to businesses who kept reminding people that they are here for them after things get back to a “new normal”…whatever (and whenever) that will mean.

Maybe you’ve been thinking that your website needs a refresh. If you haven't refreshed your website in a few years, now is the perfect time to give our website the facelift it needs. What a surprise for your customers when they ask what did you did during the shutdown! When you are open for business again, you will have a brand new look for them.

Get Answers to Get or Stay Open for Business

One of my hosting partners is GoDaddy and they have launched the #OpenWeStand community where you can get answers you need for your small business needs during this period of uncertainty.

As a GoDaddy partner, I can help you find the right domain, get the hosting you need, and get your site live and open for business as soon as humanly possible.

Join #OpenWeStand

You don't have to be a business owner to join either. Maybe someone you know or love has a small business and you see the struggles they are going through during this difficult time. If you support small business, you can join #OpenWeStand. Check out the #OpenWeStand website today and see how you can help support small businesses.

Build Your New Website

Thinking about building a website for your business? I highly recommend WordPress as the platform for your website, especially if you are relying on search traffic for your website traffic. Maybe you need a website to start that home-based business you've been thinking about for years. Now is the perfect time to do it! Whether you are thinking about a blog to share your ideas with the world or maybe building an eCommerce platform, now is the perfect time to get started. You can watch all the cat videos you want after we are finished with your website.

Start a New Business

In the good ole days before the 1950s, self-employed people were not a rarity, they were the norm. Small townspeople knew the owner of their neighborhood businesses. When one of my great-great-grandfathers came to the United States from Germany in 1868, he had to start from scratch. He owned a small grocery store in Chandlerville, Illinois. Maybe that's where I got my entrepreneurial gene from?

You don't have to sit on the couch and watch TV just because the news tells you to. That is a never-ending cycle that starts and ends on your couch. That really may not work out for you...unless your couch is THAT comfy. And let's face it. Cat videos will only entertain you for so long. This may be the push you need to finally get going and start that blog you've always wanted to start.

Let's Get Started Today

Now is the perfect time to start your next website project. I have access to resources that you may need. If you have an idea, contact me or email me and let's see if we can put together something cool!

Michael Neely

My name is Michael Neely. I started in graphic design and SEO in 2001 and coded my first site in 2011. Since then my career has been a constant learning experience launching my freelance business n 2014. I have worked in WordPress, Shopify, Laravel, HubSpot CMS and more. I have also kept up with SEO through the years and adapted to the mainstream use of Artificial Intelligence as the "next thing" in tech. Keep in touch and visit often to stay tuned in on what is happening in the world of technology.