Two Great WordPress Themes to Help Boost your Real Estate Career

You’ve made a great career choice by choosing real estate. The real estate market is jumping and there is never a dull moment. As a realtor, you know that you have to keep your name out there in order to attract new business, whether you are getting new listings or finding buyers. Your digital marketing campaigns should start with a great website. Whether you call the shots in your own real estate agency or work with a major firm, having your own website can put you head and shoulders above your competition.

If you are considering building your own website for your real estate business, I can help point you in the right direction.

First, I recommend building your site on WordPress. It’s no coincidence that WordPress powers over a third all websites with a CMS. It’s user friendly, easy to maintain, and helps you get great search results on search engines. After all, if no one can find your website, why build one in the first place?

Second, I recommend the Genesis framework. Genesis is just one of the many frameworks built on WordPress. When I built my first WordPress website in 2012, I got lucky and found Genesis. There was no coding to do and my sites looked great “out of the box.”

By the way, these recommendations are based on my experience. I have bought several Genesis child themes and I think it would be a great investment for your site too. In fact, this site is built on the Genesis framework running on WordPress.

Now that I’ve given you a little warm-up on WordPress and the Genesis framework, let’s get into two themes that are built for real estate professionals who want more from their marketing efforts.

StudioPress is one of my favorite theme developers. In fact, they invented the Genesis framework which powers over 500,000 websites (including this website). The widgetized homepages allow you to build awesome looking websites without having to learn a bunch of code (you can leave that to us professionals).

StudioPress builds two great themes for real estate agents and brokers, AgentPress Pro and Agent Focused Pro Theme. Both themes require the Genesis parent theme and will not work by themselves.

AgentPress Pro Theme

StudioPress Premium WordPress Theme AgentPress Pro

AgentPress Pro Theme was built with the industry-savvy real estate agent in mind. The built-in theme options allow you to get your site up and running beautifully with just a few clicks. Showcase your listings with the AgentPress Listings plugin. If you can type a letter, you can build a great looking website with listings that sell. You can customize the layout of your header and set your color scheme to the preset color settings or to any color scheme you like. Upload your own logo or your company logo.

Agent Focused Pro Theme

Agent Focused Pro Theme Desktop View

If you are looking to showcase your personality, your community and your listings then Agent Focused Pro Theme is perfect for you. Agent Focused Pro theme allows you to showcase your listings through the AgentPress Listings plugin or integrate with your IDX service. Get the Agent Focused Pro Theme and keep your name out there!

Get One or Both of These Great Themes for Free!

Are you looking for a new website to help boost your real estate career or business? Do you lack the time and the focus to get your next website launched? Contact me today to get started on your new website. My prices start at $999 to build and launch your website (domain and hosting plans available at additional cost). Just fill out the form below to get started!

Michael Neely

My name is Michael Neely. I started in graphic design and SEO in 2001 and coded my first site in 2011. Since then my career has been a constant learning experience launching my freelance business n 2014. I have worked in WordPress, Shopify, Laravel, HubSpot CMS and more. I have also kept up with SEO through the years and adapted to the mainstream use of Artificial Intelligence as the "next thing" in tech. Keep in touch and visit often to stay tuned in on what is happening in the world of technology.