The Best WordPress Theme for Your Law Firm

Does the website for your law firm or accounting firm need a refresh? This is for you!

With all the noise on the internet today, effective marketing is a challenge for business owners. If you own or market for a law firm or accounting firm, your job can be even more challenging. Your website is not a means-to-an-ends, but rather a beginning for your marketing efforts. If you have chosen WordPress for your website platform, you have made a great choice. WordPress powers over 34% of the sites on the internet that use a CMS.

One of the reasons for WordPress’ popularity is the built-in SEO benefits that WordPress offers. Organic search engine marketing is one of the few unregulated marketing techniques for attorneys. Many law firms and attorneys who require a public presence choose WordPress as the content management system for their website. Choosing the right WordPress theme is critical to boost and maintain your search marketing efforts.

Perhaps your law firm’s website is a little dated. To someone who does not work in tech, “a little dated” means over five years old. If your WordPress theme and hosting plan are over five years old, your website is inviting a tech disaster. For more on this topic, read my blog post ” How Your Old Website is Killing Your Organic Search Results .” I go into detail on this topic of why you may need a WordPress theme and hosting upgrade.

It doesn’t make sense for a successful law firm or accounting firm to have a less an average internet presence. If you are just starting with your law firm, it makes even less sense. Even if you don’t get a majority of your business from the Internet, your website is the first impression you make to potential clients, peers, and the bar associations.

A New WordPress Theme Can Boost Your Organic Search Results

The best method I have found to boost organic search results is to post new content consistently to your blog. It is a slow process but it works. It’s called content marketing. WordPress has a blog function built in since that is what WordPress was originally built for.

There are no guarantees but I recently updated this site’s WordPress theme. I wondered why StudioPress retired my theme and then I discovered why. It was appealing and functionally wonderful (or so I thought). It was also killing my search results. It had some outdated PHP code deep within the theme that could not be overhauled without a massive time investment. I bought this theme, Business Pro, and I have never been happier. At some point I am sure it will start to falter but I keep an eye on it and keep it updated.

Although I bought the theme from StudioPress it is actually from the great people at SEO Themes.

Introducing Legal Pro from SEO Themes

Many people underestimate their website as marketing. Most go with whatever looks nice and never take their WordPress theme into account. If your theme is five years old, your old WordPress theme is probably hurting your organic search results more than helping. The computer programs from search engines are a sophisticated set of eyes that scan your site. They scan your website code. They know what theme you are running and how old it is. They know how long you have purchased your domain for. Search engines rank newer content over older content. If your WordPress theme is older, search engines will rank your site lower.

If you like being ranked lower on search engines or SEO is not a large part of your marketing mix, then disregard this post. If your law firm thrives on good organic search results and your website needs a change, then get Legal Pro and start getting better results on your organic SEO results. There are no guarantees but Legal Pro has a great track record of helping law firms rank better organically.

Legal Pro Requires the Genesis Framework

As awesome as all the themes fro SEOThemes are, they can’t work by themselves. All of SEOThemes run on the Genesis framework and require the Genesis framework to work. Don’t forget to pickup the Genesis framework from StudioPress before purchasing Legal Pro.

Get Legal Pro for Free!

Want to get the Legal Pro theme and the Genesis framework for FREE! Hire me to build your site! Prices start at $499 for a basic install and customization. Check out my Website Pricing Guide for a detailed quote.

Michael Neely

My name is Michael Neely. I started in graphic design and SEO in 2001 and coded my first site in 2011. Since then my career has been a constant learning experience launching my freelance business n 2014. I have worked in WordPress, Shopify, Laravel, HubSpot CMS and more. I have also kept up with SEO through the years and adapted to the mainstream use of Artificial Intelligence as the "next thing" in tech. Keep in touch and visit often to stay tuned in on what is happening in the world of technology.