

The Death of Organic SEO (As You Know It)

By Michael Neely | December 15, 2021
The Death of Organic SEO

The Internet Is Changing Rapidly and So is Organic SEO Organic SEO is the practice (and discipline) of making your website attractive to search engines. When the internet was first developing in the late 1990’s, search engines were relatively new. Fortunes were created by using a few cleverly selected keywords in a website repeatedly. Yahoo…

Why Your New WordPress Website is Already Obsolete

By Michael Neely | December 8, 2021
Image depicting an older car next to a newer car

How to Extend Your Website Investment It took months to hammer out the details for your new website. The agency that built it for you kept adding new ideas and new things. The costs went up. Your 15-year-old kid built a website once. It wasn’t this complicated. And then they had the audacity to ask…

Recent Changes to the Genesis Framework for WordPress

By Michael Neely | June 30, 2021

New Packages from WPEngine Make the Genesis Framework Better Than Ever The Genesis Framework is one of the most popular WordPress frameworks available. Recently, WPEngine repackaged the Genesis framework and StudioPress themes. These changes make the Genesis framework a far better choice for your new WordPress website. This post will explore these changes in detail,…

Four Essential Free Tools for Improving Your Organic Search Results

By Michael Neely | June 9, 2021

These Google Web Analytics Tools are Vital to Your Organic Search Result If you own a website, the chances are good that you have heard of search engine optimization and search engine marketing. At some point in your marketing education, the topic of “organic search” came up. In the early days, it seemed like an…

Hands-Free Sales Tax Solutions for WooCommerce

By Michael Neely | April 2, 2021
Long nights figuring our sales tax question for WooCommerce

Collecting and Paying Sales Tax Can Be Struggle for Business Owners If you are running an eCommerce store on WordPress, the chances are very good that you are using WooCommerce as your eCommerce solution. There is also a strong possibility that the topic of collecting sales tax has crossed your mind more than once. How…

The Best CRM for Your WordPress Website

By Michael Neely | March 15, 2021
Customer relationship management graphic

Keeping Up with Potential Customers is Vital in Today’s Business Environment If you take a look around, you will find that WordPress is a major player in business websites. If you’ve been on the internet for long, you will know that WordPress is the most popular content management system (CRM) in the world is WordPress.…

How to Add Search Data to Google Analytics for your WordPress Website

By Michael Neely | February 9, 2021
Checking web analytics for a website

Track Your Google Search Console Data in Google Analytics EDIT: Since I posted this on April 11, 2021, Google released Analytics 4 which is a newer platform. I am currently experimenting with this new platform and will have an updated Google Analytics post shortly. One of my favorite topics is Search Engine Optimization or SEO…

Straight Talk about Marketing For Small and Medium-sized Businesses

By Michael Neely | November 9, 2020

Is This What Your Marketing Plan Looks Like? I am not saying that prayer is a bad thing, but some business owners rely on prayer as their ONLY marketing resource. I believe that prayer can be a powerful tool to inspire and motivate people. But when it comes to marketing, prayer lacks something to be…

How the WordPress Block Editor Helps Writers Stay Organized

By Michael Neely | April 13, 2020

The WP Block Editor Finally Makes Sense to Me as a Writer Yes, I know what some of you are thinking. “You’re a developer. What do you know about writing?” The truth is that I was writing long before I became a developer. Who do you think creates the content for my sites anyway? In…

Open for Business and Working Remotely Since 2011

By Michael Neely | April 1, 2020
P{hoto showing open for business

Need Graphic Design, Web Design, or Web Development Work Done? I am Open for Business! Due to recent world events, local governments have forced business owners to close their businesses across the United States to help fight the COVID-19 threat. What does this mean for business owners? That means that you are sitting around and…